
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Scarlet Letter is a novel which is taught in schools. The book has many puritan thoughts and ideas. The author Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote the story in perspective of a puritan society. The book is an excelent book to teach in school as it portrays many puritan ideas. The ideas that Hawthorne uses which are in a puritan thoughts are harsh punishment, religion, darkness, and sin. This book should be encouraged to be taught fo those ideas.

Even though how Hester held her head high despite the criticism agianst her for committing adultry, the book should be read in school because it portrays puritan ideas such as religion and harsh punishment.

"Behold, verily, there is the women of the scarlet letter; and, of a truth, moreover, there is the likeness of the scarlet letter runing a long by her side! Come, therefore, let us fling mud at them!"

Thursday, September 14, 2006

In the novel the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne he wrote created many characters. One of the major characters was Hester. I think she is considered a major charchter because the plot revolves around her. it starts by her cheating on her husband. The rest talks about how she makes her punishment the center of attention. I also feel Hester is a round character since Hawthorne describe her personality. She is able to turn a punishment into something that causes her to be the center of attention. Another quality of hester is she is a dynamic character. She starts as a person who is commits a crime

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

In the Scarlet Letter as I was reading the first 2 chapters I thought about how dark and gloomy it was. It was mentioning cemeteries and prisons. I thought it was most despairing thing I have ever read. There was no free spirit for anyone. It was the longest chapters I have ever read. The only positive thing was the rays of sun and the red rose bush. This gave them hope. That part was the only reason I kept on reading. That small part shows how much nature and free spirit can help have a positive affect on your life. I thought the punishments were cruel. People in the world shouldn't be punished they should learn from their mistakes and live spiritually. Punishment only causes corruption in peoples mind. As a follwer of transdentalism this is how the Scarlet Letter clashes with my thoughts

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A book which I had to read over the summer for class was The Scarlet Letter. Before I had read the book, I heard that it was about a women who had committed adultery and was an outcast from society. I had also heard it was very interesting from people who had read the book. I don't really know that much about the author except he mainly wrote short stories. I also heard that he was a descendent of of judge who was in The Salem Witch Trials. It has been rumored that he had changed his name to distant himself from this incident. He had supposable added the letter W to his last name. A question that can be thought about from the book is if it's okay to have a baby. I feel it can happen so easily it this era that if there will be a large group of people like this people may have to accept it. In my opinion I think it is best if people prevent this from happening. For one many religion are against this. I also think that it may affect the child growing up. Most children are used to growing up with a father and mother to be a role model. Now one parent has to fulfill both of those positions. The child who would be in this situation might feel neglected since his only parent would be working Finally why I am against it is cause it ca ruin one parents life. It puts a lot more pressure and can overwork the parent. Another thought I had about the book is what if I was a person who had to take care of a baby by myself. I think people judge these people to fast. Besides having to work so hard they have people yelling and shunning them. I don't exactly know how my friends would react if this would happen to me but I hope they would help me out I know that I would. Another effect this would have on me would be that it would be so hard to work and pay attention to my child but that would be a challenge that I would have to work hard on. The last thing that would be part of my responsibility would be to either get a wife or a
god-parent for my child. In the book there are many sins which have been committed. The worst out of all of them was the committing of adultery. This is an actual action that is occurring. The next one was Obsessively seeking revenge for wrongs committed against you. As the saying goes "Two wrongs don't make a right." Then to allow someone else to take the blame for your wrong doings. It's not fair to let some one else to get punished for your mistakes you can't be a coward. The last one is condemning among others the wrongs that you have committed. This sin is not physically bad, but you basically are a Hippocrates. The Scarlet Letter has an example of everything related to this matter. It is about a girl who had committed adultery and was punished for it but she tried her hardest to survive.