
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

In the story the Glass Menagerie one of the Characters is Tom. Tom has the ability to be many things which could be a poet/ author, a movie critic, or a job in politics.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

In the novel The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald he uses technique to enhance the story and make it more interesting. The technique which he uses are colors and patterns. The idea of colors are for the reader to imagine what the color can represent. The major colors which he uses in the story in the story are yellow and gold. These colors are very similar to each other and are portrayed universally as riche, high class, elegance, and beauty. On the other hand this color is also used in the novel as tragedy and corruption.
The first characteristic of these colors is riches. The idea of richness is a motif in the story. The first case where the colors are related to richness in the story is when it states " I bought a dozen volumes on banking and credit and investment securities, and they stood on my shelf in red and gold like new money from the mint, promising to unfold the shining secrets that only Midas and Morgan and Maecenas knew."(8) In this quote it describes Nick’s books on his book shelf. These books are described as brand new crisp money. They also are about money this is the beginning on how everyone wants to get rich fast. The idea about money also had a negative affect in the book. The story later goes on how all the men with money were cheaters and liars. They may have got the girls, but in the end it would end up in tragedy. Although there was tragedy Fitzgerald used these colors for other meanings.
The next meaning of the colors which was expressed in the book was high class. These colors was used to describe most of the characteristic of East and West Egg. The first case which high class is shown in is where it says "On buffet tables, garnished with glistening hors-d’oeuvre, spiced baked hams crowded against salads of harlequin designs and pastry pigs and turkeys bewitched to a dark gold."(44 ) This is talking about a place of high class. The table with food also shows of high class since it has fancy foods. Here there was also a bar, which served alcohol. These colors also appear a lot with this meaning, in resemblance with Gatsby’s parties. Like in the case where it says "The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun, and now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music, and the opera of voices pitches a key higher."(44) This quote describes one of Gatsby’s parties. All of Gatsby’s parties consisted of the higher class of people. There he would make very fancy parties. The color yellow is described as cocktail music, which was very fancy. These parties were all very high class. On the other hand these parties also had a down side. In Gatsby’s parties and the place with the buffet they served alcohol, which led to fighting and accidents. Besides the parties these colors also described the girls.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

There are many car accidents that take place in The Great Gatsby. The first one takes place at gatsbys party, which ended in tragedy. Driving drunk they ended up crashing into a garden. The second one was when Jordan was talking to Nick and they had mentioned the car accident with Tom and Daisy. Tom was driving and Daisy broke her hand.

Cubism is a movement in Europe where art was revolutionized. The major enhancements in art were in sculpture, literature, music, and paintings. During these times artist use a technique where they break up objects and recombine them in a different form to make a different picture.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

In the novel The Great Gatsby there are three affairs and are all have a similar aspect. The first affair was at gatsbys party and it ended up with an uncomfortable dinner. The Second instance is the dinner between Tom and Myrtle in his apartmnet in NYC it ends with Myrtle Breaking her nose. the third one is another party and ends with a car crash. All of these involved alchohol and a disaster in the end and that was the similarity in all these cases.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Blue is the taste of blueberry pancakes
Blue is the smell of tulips in in a garden
Blue is the feeling of sadness and no ones there to comfort you
Blue is the sound of waves crashing into the ground
Blue is the color of the sky as you rush through it sky diving off a plane

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

In the 1920's there were many advancments in this time. One major accomplishment was the improvment on transportation. This advancment was created by Henrey Ford it was the first affordable automobile. The reason it was so cheap was he used the technique of assembly line to produce cars faster.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

No trespassing: All trespassers will be hunted down and burned by a group of hired arsenist. They will burn you, your house, and your family any survivors will be shot in the near future. You will live in fear until I finally decide to put you out of your misery.

Keep Off! No Trespassing: Anyone who doesnt think twice and steps foot on my property I will smite you with a million arrows. If you escape i will hunt you down and slowly and painfully torture you with this arrow resulting in a slow and painful death