
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

In the novel The Great Gatsby there are three affairs and are all have a similar aspect. The first affair was at gatsbys party and it ended up with an uncomfortable dinner. The Second instance is the dinner between Tom and Myrtle in his apartmnet in NYC it ends with Myrtle Breaking her nose. the third one is another party and ends with a car crash. All of these involved alchohol and a disaster in the end and that was the similarity in all these cases.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Blue is the taste of blueberry pancakes
Blue is the smell of tulips in in a garden
Blue is the feeling of sadness and no ones there to comfort you
Blue is the sound of waves crashing into the ground
Blue is the color of the sky as you rush through it sky diving off a plane

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

In the 1920's there were many advancments in this time. One major accomplishment was the improvment on transportation. This advancment was created by Henrey Ford it was the first affordable automobile. The reason it was so cheap was he used the technique of assembly line to produce cars faster.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

No trespassing: All trespassers will be hunted down and burned by a group of hired arsenist. They will burn you, your house, and your family any survivors will be shot in the near future. You will live in fear until I finally decide to put you out of your misery.

Keep Off! No Trespassing: Anyone who doesnt think twice and steps foot on my property I will smite you with a million arrows. If you escape i will hunt you down and slowly and painfully torture you with this arrow resulting in a slow and painful death