
Monday, October 23, 2006

In Europe today Britain is trying to reconsider its religion in politics. As of now Britain parliament is mostly Christian and many people are upset with this idea. Many religious groups are complaining to parliament for freedom and end up disappointed. Now they feel like they should separate the two to cause less complications.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I think everyone in the class posses a TV. In this day 80% of houses obtain a tv. this has modernized the world today.

Monday, October 16, 2006

In class today we were asked what is communism main ideas and who were the big communist thinkers. After researching it I found out that communism is the idea of making a classless society where government controls the means of production and everyone is equal. The great thinkers of communism are Karl Marx who is considered the father of communism. Other leaders which have enforced communism are Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, and Joseph Stalin.